Integrate Side Nav

The code modifications in the app.component.html and app.module.ts files are part of an Angular application, specifically focusing on the integration and configuration of a global side navigation component. Here's an overview of what these changes accomplish:


  1. Global Sidenav Integration:

    • The <app-global-sidenav> component is added, which likely represents a reusable side navigation bar across the application. This component is used to encapsulate navigation links and provide a consistent user interface for navigation.
  2. Side Navigation Toggle:

    • The enav [opened]="s" and (click)="sideNavToggle()" attributes suggest that the side navigation can be toggled open or closed. This is typically controlled by a boolean variable s in the component's TypeScript file, which determines the open state of the sidenav.
  3. Navigation Links:

    • The <a mat-list-item> elements are used to define navigation links within the sidenav. The routerLink directive is used to navigate between different routes in the application, and active-link is likely a class that styles the active link for better user experience.
  4. Material Design Components:

    • The use of mat-list-item and mat-nav-list indicates the use of Angular Material components for a consistent and modern UI design. These components provide pre-styled elements that adhere to Material Design guidelines.
  5. Router Outlet:

    • The <router-outlet> directive is included to render the routed components based on the current route. This is a standard practice in Angular applications to display different views.


  1. Module Imports:

    • The GlobalSidenavModule, MatListModule, and RouterModule are imported into the application module. This is necessary to use the global sidenav component, material list components, and routing functionalities within the application.
  2. Module Declarations:

    • These modules are added to the imports array of the @NgModule decorator, which makes their functionalities available throughout the application. This setup is crucial for enabling the use of Angular Material components and routing features.


These changes are aimed at enhancing the application's navigation capabilities by integrating a global side navigation component. This not only improves the user interface by providing a consistent and accessible navigation structure but also leverages Angular Material for a polished look and feel. The use of routing and material components ensures that the application is both functional and visually appealing, adhering to modern web application standards.

html icon
angular icon
<<%= projectName %>>-global-sidenav [opened]="sideNavOpen">