Integrate Footer

The files you are working with are part of an Angular application, specifically focusing on the app.component.html and app.module.ts files. These files are crucial for defining the structure and functionality of your Angular application.


This file is responsible for defining the HTML template of the main application component. The changes made to this file involve the removal of certain div elements and the addition of a new component, likely a footer, indicated by the addition of -global-foot and /app-gob. This suggests that the HTML structure is being modified to include a global footer component, which is a common practice to maintain a consistent footer across different pages of an application.

By removing unnecessary div elements, the code is being cleaned up, which can improve readability and maintainability. The addition of the global footer component helps in centralizing the footer logic and styling, making it easier to manage and update.


This file is the root module of your Angular application. It is responsible for declaring and importing all the necessary components and modules that your application will use. The changes here involve the importation of GlobalFooterModule from a common UI library (@app/common/ui). This module is then added to the list of imports in the @NgModule decorator.

By importing the GlobalFooterModule, you are making the global footer component available throughout your application. This modular approach allows for better organization of code and reusability of components. It ensures that the footer can be easily included in any part of the application without having to redefine it in each component.


Overall, these changes are aimed at enhancing the structure and maintainability of your Angular application by introducing a global footer component. This not only streamlines the HTML structure but also leverages Angular's modular architecture to promote code reuse and consistency across the application.

html icon
angular icon
<<%= projectName %>-global-footer>-global-footer>