Side Nav

The provided files collectively define a reusable Angular component named GlobalSidenavComponent, which is part of a side navigation (sidenav) feature. This component is designed to be used within an Angular application to provide a collapsible side navigation panel, commonly used in web applications for navigation purposes.


  1. HTML Template (global-sidenav.component.html):

    • The template uses Angular Material's mat-sidenav-container and mat-sidenav components to create a side navigation layout.
    • The mat-sidenav is configured with an over mode, meaning it will overlay the main content when opened.
    • The [(opened)] two-way data binding is used to control the open state of the sidenav.
    • The ng-content directive allows for content projection, enabling the insertion of custom content into the sidenav and the main content area.
  2. SCSS Styles (global-sidenav.component.scss):

    • Styles are defined to ensure the sidenav and its container take up the full width and height of their parent element.
    • The sidenav itself is given a fixed width of 200px, which is a common width for side navigation panels.
  3. Component Class (global-sidenav.component.ts):

    • The GlobalSidenavComponent class is defined with an @Input property opened to control the sidenav's open state externally.
    • An @Output event emitter sideNavToggle is provided to notify parent components when the sidenav's state changes.
    • The emitSideNavToggle method is used to emit the sideNavToggle event, allowing for interaction with other components.
  4. Testing (global-sidenav.component.spec.ts):

    • A basic test suite is set up using Angular's testing utilities to ensure the component compiles correctly.
    • The test imports necessary modules like NoopAnimationsModule and MatSidenavModule to simulate the component's environment.

Purpose and Usage

The GlobalSidenavComponent is designed to be a flexible and reusable component for implementing a side navigation panel in Angular applications. By leveraging Angular Material's sidenav components, it provides a consistent and accessible navigation experience. The component can be easily integrated into any Angular project by importing the GlobalSidenavModule.

This component is particularly useful in applications where a side navigation is needed to organize and access different sections or features. The use of Angular Material ensures that the component adheres to Material Design guidelines, providing a modern and user-friendly interface.

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