Install Angular Material

We are going to install @angular/material @angular/cdk and angular/animations. These are the packages required to use Angular Material within our applicaiton.

What is Material?

Material Design is a design language developed by Google in 2014. It is a comprehensive design system that provides guidelines and principles for creating consistent and visually appealing user interfaces across different platforms and devices. The goal of Material Design is to create a unified user experience by offering a set of rules for designing interfaces that are intuitive, accessible, and aesthetically pleasing.

What is Angular Material?

Angular Material is the Angular adoption of Material. The full list of Angular Material components can be seen here:

Why Use Angular Material

Well, this one is actually quite an easy answer. In fact, it's the reason why you will find that most Angular codebases use Angular Material. You see, Material was created by Google. Angular the frontend framework was also created by Google. Naturally, because the same team has created both it's just a super amazing design language.

I personally recommend Angular Material to every team I work with because it just has amazing documentation. Also it just makes a ton of sense because the usage is very much so inline with the way of how a regular Angular application works. I'm a fan and I highly recommend.

Terminal % % npm install @angular/material@18.2.1 @angular/cdk@18.2.1 @angular/animations@18.2.1 --save